CV (CreativeVitae)
"Although it is a mystery exactly how Dune was born; we believe he was formed. However, we do know that his creative force was expressed at the age of two (2), when he completed his first composition-The Karate Chicken. Since then, he has created for sake of life and happiness. And even know, the strength and deliberation of his works are to sustain life and happiness; as well as to feel the life force from which he was formed." - Tomas Sustaita, writer, poet, critic
Quotes about this Creative Spirit:
"Dune is not a mere artist; he is a Creative force!"- Dr. Alvia Wardlaw; Curatorial Director of Modern & Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
" are a hot artist who is not afraid to really get involved in the world and force us to 'see' things"- L.M., Houston, TX
"Dune-Micheli is a force of nature"- Misty Flores
"Dune is a harmonious ball of energy bursting with creativity and spiritual love"- Irene Tango
Phone Contact:
Dune-Micheli Patten
Houston, TX
Awards and acknowledgements:
First Place Winner; Beauty and the Beast; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX
- Nominated BEST LOCAL ARTIST in Houston Press' 'Best of 2008' Readers' Poll
- FINALIST [online] in group exhibition A-POLITIC
- HONORABLE MENTION in group exhibition Women’s History Month: RELICS & REMEMBRANCES
- 1ST FEATURED ARTIST on Houston Media Source’s ‘Abstract Concrete Television,’- Cable Access Channel 17
- 1ST FEATURED ARTIST in LionEyeTV's, 'UNDERGROUND SPOTLIGHT,'- LionEyeTV is Houston's first web-based television station.
- Nominated BEST ARTIST in Houston Press' 'Best of 2006' Readers' Poll
- 1st Runner-Up; The 10th Annual Citywide Emerging African American Artists Exhibition; Museum of Fine Arts-Houston; Houston, TX; Juror: Otabenga Jones & Associates
- NOMINATION for BEST ARTIST 2005 in Houston Chronicle's ULTIMATE HOUSTON Readers' Poll
- Grand Prize Winner; awarded in The 9th Annual Citywide Emerging African American Artists Exhibition; Museum of Fine Arts-Houston; Houston, TX; Juror: Dallas artist, Jean Lacy; Dr. Alvia Wardlaw- Director of Texas Southern University Museum; and Ebony McFarland- Curatorial Assistant of Modern and Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts Houston.
- 2,000 Grand Prize Winner-Poetry Contest; Magnolia Ballroom; Third Eye, Inc.; Selected by Yolanda Pope and juror panel
2004-2007 B.L.A. (Black League of Artists); Project Row Houses; Houston, TX
1999-2002 Notorious Artist Guild (N.A.G.); Houston, TX
1999-2000 Art-fx; Student Program Board; University of Houston; Houston, TX
Exhibitions: Selected Group & Solo
TASIMJAE: The Art Studio, Inc.; Beaumont, TX
THE ART OF FLOWERS: The Music Studio; Beaumont, TX; Curated by Chris Jetton
EASTER: Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; Curated by Susan Alexander and Jacqueline Campbell
MIA (Military Inspired Art); Buffali Soldiers National Museum; Houston, TX
THE ALTERNATIVE SHOW; The Art Studio, Inc.; Beaumont, TX
TASIMJAE; The Art Studio, Inc.; Beaumont, TX
MIA (MILITARY INSPIRED ART): BuffalobSoldiers National Museum; Houston, TX
CAMP LUCKY 2; Heidi Vaughn Fine Art; Houston, TX; curated by Jeff Wheeler, Paul Horn and Dune-Micheli Patten
CAMP LUCKY 2; Deborah Colton Gallery; Houston, TX; curated by Jeff Wheeler, Paul Horn, and Dune-Micheli Patten
THE SHOW MUST GO ON; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX; curated by Randall Kallinen, Solomon Kane, and JP Hartman
CORONA PORTRAIT PROJECT; (Featured);; curated by Benjamin Walford
ART-Virus; (Featured);; curated by Christian Sarkar
LUCK OF THE DRAW; DiverseWorks: Houston, TX
OPEN THEME; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
A THEME OF EXPRESSION: Community Artist Collective: Houston. TX: Curated by Calin Bruiett
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX; curated by Randall Kallinen
GRATITUDE; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
ISM; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX; curated by Randall KallinenL
FOTOFEST2018; The Vineyard; The Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston TX; curated by Eric Hartley
HOPE RISING;The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by Penny Robinson
THERE IS A SEASON; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
PEACE IN THE STORM; The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by Penny Robinson
LAW & ARTer; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX; curated by Randall Kallinen
THE BIG SHOW: Lawndale Art Center; Houston, TX; curated by Toby Kamps- Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, The Menil Collection
DONUM GRATIA; The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by Eric Hartley
ALL THINGS BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
TRUMP; Kallinen Contemporary; Houston, TX; curated by Randall Kallinen
PARTY-CIPATION; A Show of Prints; The Art Studio, Inc; Beaumont, TX
MESSAGE; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
SNAP-TO-GRID; The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA); Los Angeles, CA; curated by Rex Bruce
MESSAGE; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
IRREVERSIBLE INSPIRATION FEATURING GUESTS ODD & ENDS; Cardoza Fine Art Gallery; Warehouse Lofts District; Houston, TX- Downtown
HOPE; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
PER I GIOVANI, PER TUTTI; (in conjunction with World Youth Day), Wieliczka Brzegi- Campus Miseriecordiae; Krakow, Poland
ENGINEEERING MISSION; Auction Benefit; Northrise University; Zambia, AF
IN HIS NAME; First Baptist Church; Houston, TX; curated by IMAGO
FLOURISH; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
SNAP-TO-GRID; The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA); Los Angeles, CA; curated by Rex Bruce
MIAMI/MILANO; Hotel Victor (in concurrency with ART BASEL), Milan, IT/Miami Beach, FL
HOUSTON ON FIRE; Houston Fire Museum; Houston, TX- Midtown; curated by Alexa Hall and Randall Kallinen
ABUNDANCE; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
PSALMS FOR THE CITY; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Epiucopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell, Sherry Byrd, and Randall Byrd
PSALMS FOR THE CITY; The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by Eric Hartley
PSALMS FOR THE CITY; Ecclesia; Houston, TX; curated by Mike Yager
PSALMS FOR THE CITY; Fra Angelico Gallery; Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church; Houston, TX; curated by Jacquelyn Campbell
AFTER THE FLOOD; Gallery on the Square; Wimberley, TX; selected & curated by Rhett Ryan
CANVAS; Ladybirds Gallery; Houston, TX; curated by Carole Sconfitto and Danielle Dalsey
REDEMPTION; The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by Eric Hartley
SNAP-TO-GRID; The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (LACDA); Los Angeles, CA- Downtown; curated by Rex Bruce
AMPLIFY: SEE The Art of Worship; The Vineyard- Vineyard Church of Houston; Houston, TX; curated by IMAGO
RUNNIG WITH SCISSORS; KAXM Gallery; Houston, TX- Heights; curated by Deborah Shelton
THE GREAT EXCHANGE; The Warehouse-First Baptist Church; Houston, TX; curated by IMAGO
NEW GIFTS; The Warehouse-Access Church; Houston, TX; curated by Vox Culture
PLANES, TRAIINS, BIKES, AND BOATS; The Art Car Museum; Houston, TX; curated by Mary Forbes, Noah Edmunson, Jim Hackett
THE SINGLES SHOW; Gallery1724; Houston, TX; curated by Leila Dallal
ART for DARFUR; Owen Fine Arts Center Gallery-Meadows School of the Arts; Southern Methodist University; Dallas, TX; curated by Ashley Epes, Kristin Schultz, and Tiana Lightfoot
VOX POP; Vox Culture Houston; Houston, TX; Curated by Ted Law, Matt Nightengale, Michelle Chang, and Greg Wang
TEXAS GREEN; The Art Car Museum; Houston, TX; Curated by Noah Edmunson and Mary Forbes
ART on the AVENUE; Winter Street Gallery; Houston, TX; Commissioned by AvenueCDC & PaperCity
PROTECT THE HUMAN-Art Exhibition & Campaign Launch; Winter Street Gallery; Houston, TX; Curated by Amnesty International
ART for DARFUR; The Cameron Gallery; Dallas, TX; curated by Ashley Epes, Tamara Paquee, and Kristi Cameron
A TIME FOR CHANGE; Deborah Colton Gallery; Houston, TX; curated by Catherine D. Anspon, Fine Art Editor for PaperCity Magazine
SHOWCASE SHOWDOWN 2008; Xnihilo Gallery; Houston, TX; jurors, Marc Brubaker and Elizabeth Murray- of ARTLiES Magazine; curated by Marc Brubaker
JOURNEY TO OLYMPIA: TALA Gala Honoring Artist of the Year, Bert Long, Jr.; Rice Hotel; Houston, TX- Downtown
A-POLITIC; Gallery XIV with Reflect-Arts, Inc.; New York, NY and Artscope Magazine; Boston, MD; Curated by Juliette Pelletier and William Kerr
ART for AIDS-Starbuck’s Silent Action benefiting AIDS FOUNDATION; Starbucks-Montrose; Houston, TX; Curated by Angela Lara
Women’s History Month: RELICS & REMEMBRANCES; Fountainhead Gallery- Reflect-Arts, Inc.; New York, NY; Curated by Juliette Pelletier and Jeanine Alfieri
A VERY FRAGMENTED CHRISTMAS; Elder Street Gallery; Houston, TX
VOODOO on the BAYOU: TALA Gala Honoring Artist of the Year, William Betts; The Museum of Natural Science; Houston, TX
GIOTTO’S CIRCLE; Wood panel Mural; 48-Hour Art Festival; Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
The Hanging Tree; Wood panel Mural; 48-Hour Art Festival; Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
"WAR”; The ArtCar Museum; Houston, TX; Curated by T. Mitchell Jones and Noah Edmonson
”PARTHENO-GENIUS”(Two-artist exhibition); Bohemeo’s Gallery; Houston, TX- East End; Curated by Sidonie and Lupe Oliverez
”O N E”; Elder Street Gallery; Houston, TX- Curated by Terrence Boggs and Martin L. DeVore
"L U"- Lawndale University): ART CAR MUSEUM GROUP EXHIBITION; The ArtCar Museum; Houston, TX; Curated by T. Mitchell Jones and Noah Edmonson; Hosted by FunkMaster George Clinton
MFAH/5-A 11TH ANNUAL AFRICAN-AMERICAN CITYWIDE EXHIBITION; The Museum of Fin Arts- Houston/5-A; Rice University Student Center Gallery- Wayne Gilbert's G*Gallery- and MochaLife; Houston, TX; Curated by Dr. Alvia Wardlaw, Dr. Sarah Trotty, and M'Kina Tapscott
LEADERSHIP; Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday; The El Paso Corporation Building- 2nd floor Mezzanine Display Case; Houston, TX; Curated by M'Kina Tapscott, Curatorial Assistant of Moden and Contemporary Art-MFAH
CALACAS: The Bone Show; The ArtCar Museum; Houston, TX; Curated by T. Mitchell Jones and Noah Edmonson
SNAP TO GRID; Los Angeles Center for Digital Art; Los Angeles, CA; Selected by Rex Bruce
OUTSIDE THE LINES; juried Exhibition; The BathHouse Cultural Center; Dallas, TX
MONOCHROME: TALA Gala Honoring Artist of the Year, Stuart Willis; Gerald D. Hines School of Architecture; University of Houston- Central Park; Houston, TX
FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE; Superstitious Studios; Houston, TX- Downtown Warehouse District- Upper East side
CHURCH, Inc.; PrairieView A&M University; Prairie View, TX; Curated by Lauren Kelley
2006 10th Annual Citywide Emerging Artists Exhibition;Museum of Fine Arts-Houston/5-A; Rice University Student Center Gallery- Houston Public Library- and Houston Area Urban League; Houston, TX; Curated by Dr. Alvia Wardlaw and Ebony Mcfarland, Curatorial Assistant of Moden and Contemporary Art-MFAH
UNCOMMON FREEDOM; M2 Gallery; Houston, TX- Heights; Curated by Marie Weichman
Dia De Los Muertos; The Bath House Cultural Center; Dallas, TX; Curated by Enrique Fernandez Cervantes
The Everybody Show: The Studio Galley-in the Heights; Houston, TX; Curated by Marie Weichman
Project Storm; El Dorado Ballrom-PRH; Third Ward- Houston, TX; Curated by Apama Mackey [Mackey Gallery]; Sponsored by DIG101 Gallery, Mackey Gallery, Moody Gallery, Redbud Gallery
Year-Long Exhibition; Houston City Hall; Houston, TX- Downtown: Curated by Gus Kopriva and Wayne Gilbert
The Backroom Show; DIG101 Gallery; Houston, TX; Curated by Wayne Gilbert
The August Show: PASSAGES THROUGH MEMORY [PLAZA PORTALS]; MindPuddles Gallery; Houston, TX; Curated by Navid Ghedami, Angelique Gioldasis, and Lindsay Wilson
FACE; Art Car Museum; Houston, TX; Curated by Noah Edmunson and Tom Jones
Luck of the Draw; DiverseWorks Art Gallery; Houston, TX- Downtown Lower East End
From The Streets Beneath: Humble Tower-15th floor Penthouse and Rooftop; Houston, TX- Downtown; Curated by Paris Parks
La Vie De Boheme; TALA Gala honoring Texas Artist of the Year, David McGee; Club Meridian;
Houston, TX- Downtown Lower East End
Sending Sickle Cell Out Of This World; Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation/Art Auction; Sickle Cell Anemia Association of the Gulf Coast; Johnson Space Center; Houston, TX; Curated by Nicole Browning
ANASTOMOSIS (Two-artist Show); Rick Wells’ Studio 101Gallery- Market Street; Galveston, TX; Curated by Rick Wells
ANASTOMOSIS (Two-artist Show); The Studio Gallery- Heights; Houston, TX; Curated by Marie Weichman
9th Annual Citywide Emerging Artists Exhibition; Museum of Fine Arts-Houston/5A- Rice University Gallery-
Project Row Houses- Houston City Hall Annex- Houston Public Library- and Houston Area Urban League; Houston, TX; Curated by Dr. Alvia Wardlaw and Ebony Mcfarland
$100 BOX SHOW; MindPuddles Gallery; Houston, TX; Curated by Navid Ghedami
$100 BOX SHOW; Bering & James Gallery- Rice Village; Houston, TX; Curated by Austin James and Blakley Bering
Who, The Artist, Who?! (OASIS/ SOLIPSISM); 48-Hour Art Festival; Delia’s Lounge- Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
UGALI! (We The People); 48-Hour Art Festival; Delia’s Lounge- Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
Houston Sports Gala- When Art Meets Sports; Diedrich’s Coffee- Westheimer; Houston, TX- Museum District; Curated by Nexplayer Sports and Valentene Roselli-Rice
Houston Sports Gala- When Art Meets Sports; Diedrich’s Coffee- Clear Lake; Clear Lake, TX; Curated by Valentene Roselli-Rice
Dia De Los Muertos; MFAH-The Glassel School of Art; Houston, TX
The Everybody Show; The Studio Gallery- Heights; Houston, TX; Curated by Marie Weichman
Houston Sports Gala-When Art Meets Sports; Mantra Restaurant; Houston, TX- Downtown; Curated by Leila Dahlal
Visions: A Multi-Media Art Fair; Meteor Urban Video Lounge; Houston, TX- Midtown; Curated by Armando Ayala
The Mind Inside Your Space: Exhibition of The Contemporary Beatniks; Meteor Urban Video Lounge: Houston, TX- Midtown; Curated by Armando Ayala
Midnight Indigo; HAULYP GALA- Honoring Mayor Lee Brown; Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel; Houston, TX- Downtown
An Evening at the BallPark; BallPark Lofts; Houston, TX- Downtown Lower East End
Summer Art Show; Museum of Fine Arts Austin; Austin, TX; Curted by Charlene Schillman
SIBANDA!; Fine Arts Center Gallery; Houston Community College-Central; Houston, TX- Downtown; Curated by Michael Golden
HCC- Annual Art Festival; Houston Community College; Houston, TX- Downtown
Round 17; Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
Melange; University of Houston; Architecture Bldg.-Archives Room; Houston, TX; Curated by David Gonzalez and Todd Sagissor
5 x 7 x X-(Touring Exhibition); Texas Fine Arts Association- The Jones Center for Contemporary Art; Austin, TX/ FineSilver Gallery; San Antonio, TX/ Inman Gallery; Houston, TX/ Dunn & Brown Contemporary Art; Dallas, TX
Diversity Outside the Court; Midtown Art Center Main Gallery; Houston, TX
Seven Deadly Sins; Notorious Artists Guild (N.A.G.); Sonoma Basement Gallery; Houston, TX
Midtown Visions Cultural Arts Tour; Midtown Art Center- Midtown; Selected and by Dune Patten and Te Jai (Kyle) Fu; Curated by Dune Patten and Te Jai (Kyle) Fu; Houston, TX
Las Pinturas Des Bellas Arte- Encore Exhibition; Selected by Noche Cocina Y Bar- Montrose; Curated by Vanessa Estrada, Koelsch Gallery; Houston, TX
Las Pinturas Des Bellas Artes; Selected by Noche Cocina Y Bar- Montrose; Curated by Vanessa Estrada, Koelsch Gallery; Houston, TX
Final Gallery Show; Open Exhibition; Purse Building- Downtown Warehouse District Lower East End; Houston, TX- Lower East End
Cheesecake & Sausage; Notorious Artists Guild (NAG); Commerce Street Artists’ Warehouse (C-SAW); Houston, TX- Downtown Lower East End
Shall We Hang? DiVino Italian Restaurant- Museum District; Houston, TX
Dia de los Muertos; (Day of the Dead); Lawndale Art Center- Museum District; Houston, TX
Kaleidoscope; Notorious Artists Guild (NAG); Thirty-Nine 17 Gallery- Midtown; Houston, TX; Curated by Kyle Fu
Re-creation; Art Stop Gallery; University of Houston- UC Underground; Houston, TX
Images of Glory; Victory Campus Ministries Banquet; University of Houston- Hilton Hotel; Houston, TX
Festival of Fools; Notorious Artists Guild (NAG); The Americas Building- El Mercado Del Sol; Houston, TX
Revelation, TX; Fundraiser Auction; University of Houston-Art Barn; Houston, TX
Passages Through Purgatory; Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts; (T.A.L.A.) Gala for Robert Rauchenberg; Wells Fargo Building- Downtown; Houston, TX
Slide Slam; Contemporary Art Museum- Museum District; Houston, TX
Dia de los Muertos- (Day of the Dead); Lawndale Art Center- Museum District; Houston, TX
Contemporary Eye-Sore-I; Gallery 1521- Montrose; Houston, TX
Student Exhibition; Houston Community College- Central; Houston, TX- Downtown
Student Exhibition; Houston Community College- Sharpstown; Houston, TX
ART X 2: Urban HIStories & Icons; Vox Culture Houston; Houston, TX; Organized by Ted Law, Matt Nightengale, Christine Liang, and Greg Wang
WORLD PREMIERE VISUAL ART EXHIBITION; Citron Gallery; Houston, TX; Curated by Mariana Lemesoff
ICONS & HIEROGLYPHS; Elder Street Gallery; Houston, TX
PASSAGES THROUGH MEMORY-777 [PLAZA PORTALS]; BLEND Gallery; San Antonio, TX; Selected by Amanda & Rick Lopez
CATHARSIC; Gallery1724; Houston, TX; curated by Frank Rose
Studio Home Show- Studio 2; Houston, TX- Museum District
B. I. G.; River Oaks 3 Theatre Upstairs Gallery- River Oaks; Houston, TX
Introspection; Rick Wells Studio 101 Gallery; Galveston, TX
Treasures in Jars of Glass- Modern Day Essenes; Project Row Houses-Third Ward; Houston, TX
ArtWalk 2002; Rick Wells Photography Studios; Galveston, TX
So-Real-Is-'Em; Cafe Botticelli- Midtown; Houston, TX
Sculpture Dis-Play; Cafe Botticelli; Midtown; Houston, TX
U-Bank Selections; Selected by Carl Pham, Bank Manager; Bank United/Washington Mutual- Montrose; Houston, TX
A Brand Nude Thing; River Oaks 3 Theater- Upstairs Gallery; Houston, TX
Tete e Tete; Selected by Dominique Imini; Solero Restaurant- Downtown; Houston, TX
Tradstraction: A Contemporary Dialogue; Cafe Artiste- Museum District; Houston, TX
Works of Spirit; Cafe Artiste- Museum District; Houston, TX
Impromptu; Cafe Artiste- Museum District; Houston, TX
Toby Kamp's Big Show at Lawndale, Glasstire; ; by Michael Bise
TRUMP! The Art Show: A Message from Artists in Texas; The Huffington Post (Feature); ; by Christian Sarvar
WITH HANDS DO RHYME; The Art Of Stephanie Chadwick; Poetry; Facebook-Life Event; Nov 23, 2016
Announcing Dunlapian: Facebook- Life Event; May. 08, 2015
ART ACROSS THE WORLD; Ayad Fadel: Facebook- Life Event; Jan. 03, 2015
ART ACROSS THE WORLD; Ayad Fadel: Facebook- Life Event; Dec. 27, 2014
The Vigilance of Virgil Grotfeldt; The Red Pub- Houston’s ONLY Writers & Artists Paper; Artworld; Houston, TX
The Aide To The Fight Against AIDS; The Red Pub- Houston’s ONLY Writers & Artists Paper; Artworld; Houston, TX
The Color of HOT is not always RED; The Red Pub- Houston’s ONLY Writers & Artists Paper; Artworld; Houston, TX
The ‘Objectiv’ity of Art, realized; never ‘Found’; The Red Pub- Houston’s ONLY Writers & Artists Paper; Artworld; Houston, TX
The Art of SIGN-ing: What A Concept; The Phoenix Newsletter-TRIO: Vol. #20, Issue #2; Student Support Services Program; Houston Community College; Houston, TX
MATHEOLOGY; The Phoenix Newsletter-TRIO: Vol. #1, Issue #1; Student Support Services Program; Houston Community College; Houston, TX
Media & bibliography:
Toby Kamp's Big Show at Lawndale, Glasstire; ; by
TRUMP! The Art Show: A Messafe from Arists in Texas; The Hufington Post (Feature); ; by Chrsitian Sarvar
The Artist Injured in Body but Still Creative in Spirit; EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW in; March 16; ; Interview by Marisa Martin; Miami, Florida
Houston On Fire!: Art Show and Auction; Houston Fire Museum- Houston, TX- Midtown; Randall Kallinen announcement: November 28th; Houston Arts Community; Facebook;
Announcing Dunlapian: Facebook- Life Event; May. 08, 2015
ART ACROSS THE WORLD; Ayad Fadel: Facebook- Life Event; Jan. 03, 2015
After The Flood: Art Show and Auction; RBG Studios- Wimberley TX; Front page feature (mention);
Creatives You Should Know XXXI; The Creative Network Blog; Featured;
Dune-Micheli Patten; "Performance Art Though"; TUMBLR (tagged as 'most popular");; TUMBLR
Dune-Micheli Patten;; Feature; February 26th; article by Cray Magazine
13 Examples Of Stunning Reflection Photography; The Creative Network Blog; Featured;; Featured, February 23th, 2015; article by Studio Vox
20 FABULOUS Fine Art Selfies; The Creative Network Blog; Featured;; Featured, February 18th, 2015; article by Studio Vox
ART ACROSS THE WORLD; Ayad Fadel: Facebook- Life Event; Dec. 27, 2014
The Art will Blue you Away!; Live With Lanny! early morning show- FOX26 News; Starbucks CoffeeHouse-Montrose; Houston, TX; interview by Lanny Griffith
WHAT'S IN THE VOX?- A Talk with Dune-Micheli Patten and Vox Culture Houston; NatalieJ-NIGHT TRAIN; 1430AM KCOH Radio Station; Interview by Natalie J. Evans
Via Colori!; Live With Lanny! early morning show- FOX26 News; Center for Hearing & Speech; Houston, TX; interview by Lanny Griffith
Via Colori!; Melanie Lawson's CROSSROADS Public Affairs show- ABC13 News; Melanie Lawson; ABC13-KTRK/DTV; Houston, TX; interview by Melanie Lawson
LIVING ARTS; Icons & Hieroglyphs- A Talk with Dune-Micheli Pattten; 90.1 KPFT Democratic Radio; Interview by Robert Pruitt
Via Colori!; Live With Lanny! early morning show- FOX26 News; Center for Hearing & Speech; Houston, TX; interview by Lanny Griffith
ART in the 21st CENTURY- an interview with four Artists; Abstract Concrete Television; Cable Access Channel 17- Houston Media Source; Houston, TX; hosted By Bree Joystick
L U; ArtsHouston Magazine; Gallery Reviews; July issue, pg. 30; Volume *, Number 7; by Garland Fielder
Dune-Micheli Patten- Is He SayN?!; “L U”- (Lawndale University) Group Exhibition; The ArtCar Museum; NatalieJ-NIGHT TRAIN; 1430AM KCOH Radio Station; Interview by Natalie J. Evans
Dune Patten: URBAN EXPRESSIONISM- SayN Writings and video; Wet Paint Syndrome Zine; June; online publication ; by Will Snizek
Dune-Micheli Patten & Jamar Pierre; MFAH/5-A 11th Annual Citywide African-American Art Exhibition; PaperCity Magazine; Art Notes, pg. 6; by Catherine Anspon
MFAH/5-A 11th Annual Citywide African-American Art Exhibition; Rolling Out Magazine- Beats page; Volume 7, Number 29
Dune-Micheli Patten & Artists of the Citywide ; MFAH/5-A 11th Annual Citywide African-American Art Exhibition; 90.1FM KPFT Radio Station; Interview by Zen
Dune-Micheli Patten Going Citywide; MFAH/5-A 11th Annual Citywide African-American Art Exhibition; NatalieJ-NIGHT TRAIN; 1430AM KCOH Radio Station; Interview by NatalieJ. Evans
Big Gurl- Mr. Smith; Character voice for film clay-mation by artist Lauren Kelley; Lawndale Art Center; Houston, TX
Dune Patten: URBAN EXPRESSIONISM; Wet Paint Syndrome Zine; August issue, Vol. 1, pg 6-8 ; by Will Snizek
Dune Patten: The Artist behind the Hip-Hype; Wet Paint Syndrome eZine; June issue, Vol. 2; interview by Will Snizek
Dune Patten: The Artist and His Works; Underground Artist Spotlight; LionEyeTV [Houston’s only web-based television station] created by Calvin Troupe;; Interview by Siobhan Lewis; Houston, TX
Dune Patten: Romantic Group Thang; Love's Go Everything To Do With It This Week; NIGHT & DAY section; Houston Press- Volume #10, Issue #7; Steven Devadanam, writer
Dune Patten: New Paintings; Tomas Sustaita; free-lance witer, poet, critic
Box For A Bargain; ENVYMagazine; Envision section; January Anniversary issue #24; by Apryl Malarcher
Year-Long Exhibition- The Artists; Interview; Access Channel 16-Houston Municipal Channel; City Hall- Tunnel; Houston, TX- Downtown
Dune Patten's CATHARSIC;: A Spiritual Rebellion Against Worldly Force Fed Images of Reality; Houston Style Magazine; Volume 15, No. 37; by Noah Thomas
CATHARSIC; Houston-Modern Luxury Magazine; Calendar: Visual Arts; September issue; Mary Hammon Lee
ANASTOMOSIS in Galveston; PaperCity Magazine- ART NOTES; Houston; July issue, page 6; Catherine D. Anspon
Dune Patten: FACE-ing the issue with Art: 100.7 THE WORD Radio Station; KKHT- Neon Fish; Interview by Ken Bailey
Cocktails and Contemporary Art: HRC and Five-A Toast Citywide African American Exhibition at MFAH; PaperCity Magazine; Houston May 2005; Leah Wark
Slide-Presentation & Lecture; Freedman Auditorium; Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Art- Houston; Lectured by Dr. Sarah Trotty
Christians in the Arts: Dune Patten and Todd Sagissor; 100.7 The WORD; KKHT-Neon Fish; Interview by Steve McCurdy and Ken Bailey
LIVING ARTS; 90.1 KPFT Democratic Radio; Interview by Michael Woodson and Robert Pruitt
The Prophet of Pharaoh’s Heart; by Tomas Sustaita- freelance-writer and critic
Artist of the New Breed; Dune Patten- Urban Expressionist; by Tomas Sustaita- freelance-writer and critic
Is it New Art?; by Tomas Sustaita- freelance writer
In Brief: Gallery Reviews; artsHouston Magazine; Volume 4, No. 2; by Christine Jelson
An Artist's View; HCCTV- Documentary; What Houston Thinks; Produced by Kenneth Schlein
Series of Words; Studio 409-Group Exhibition; The Third Eye; Volume 4, Issue 2; By Jennifer Van Akin
The Artful thought of Thoughtful Art; Notorious Art Magazine; May Issue, Volume #1; by Te Jui (Kyle) Fu, Director and Editor
Profound in Emerging Art: One-artist show; The Third Eye; Volume 3, Issue 4; Cafe Botticelli;
by Genuine Van Akin
Continuing Persistence; The Third Eye, Inc.; Volume 3, Issue 3; Featured in Where are they Now? Column; by Yolanda Pope
Art View; Houston’s Other; Volume 3, Issue 40; Featured in the Art View column; by Randy Woock
Poetry of an Artful Mind; The Third Eye, Inc.;Volume 2, Issue 2; Featured in the Poetry Corner column; Selected by juried panel; by Yolanda Pope
Up and coming Art; Houston’s Other; Volume 2, Issue 8; Featured in the Another View column; by Billie Duncan
The World of Dune Patten: Paintings, Drawings, and Sculptures; The Third Eye, Inc.; Volume 1, Issue 2 & 3; Featured in the Flying Solo column; by Yolanda Pope
Volunteer Work
The Van Gogh Experiment; It's A Starry Starry Night; Director of Art Ministry; Martha Doolittle and Russell Thompson; first Presbyterian Church; Houston, TX- Museum District
Midtown Visions Cultural Arts Tour; Director of Curation; Ida Thompson- Director; Midtown Art Center; Houston, TX- Midtown
Listenin Room Project; Tierney Malone; Project Row Houses- Third Ward; Houston, TX
Revelation, TX.; Fundraiser Auction; University of Houston- Art Barn; Houston, TX
Universal Supper; Mural; Catholic Newman Center; University of Houston; Houston. TXInstallation work
Sweet Jamaica, Tierney Malone Installation; Tierney Malone-artist; Reggae Hut- Almeda; Houston, TX- Third Ward
Island Nites; Outdoor Concert Benefit 2003, (Stage and DJ Booth Backdrop); Zoe International, S.H.A.P.E. Center & Pan African Entertainment, Miller Outdoor Theater;Houston, TX
Island Nites; Outdoor Concert Benefit 2003, Zoe International. & Pan African Entertainment, Miller Outdoor Theater-Hermann Park, Houston, TX
Treasures in Jars of Glass- Modern Day Essenes; Project Row Houses- Third Ward; Houston, TX
Crooning- New Drawings; Tierney Malone- artist; Community Artists Collective; Houston, TX
Midtown Visions Cultural Arts Tour; Curating Main Gallery, Blue Room, and Repertory Theatre; Midtown Art Center- Midtown; Houston, TX
My Favorite Things and Other Rent Party Songs; Tierney Malone- artist; University of Houston Museum; Blaffer Gallery; Houston, TX
Decorative Wood Doors & Counters; Samuel Biggs- Wood Structure Designs; Carpet Showrooms- Galleria; Houston, TX
Metal Conference Table; Victor Rojas- Rojas Gallery; Gas Company-; Houston, TX
Last Dance; Susan Smith-set designer; Main Street Theatre; Houston, TX
Ford Beckman, Tierney Malone, Cy Twombly; Modern-day Jazz Stories; Tierney Malone-artist; Robert McClain & Co.- Kirby; Houston, TX
OF WOLF AND DOG; Private Collection; Zee Wallahab
SPREAD OF LIGHT; Private Collection; Renee Sanchez
STAGES OF REALITY; Private Collection; Chip Carsons: Houston, TX
COLORS OF MINE; Private Collection; Wade Wilson; Houston, TX/ Santa Fe, NM
GIOTTO’S CIRCLE; Wood panel Mural; 48-Hour Art Festival; Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
The Hanging Tree; Wood panel Mural; 48-Hour Art Festival; Project Row Houses; Houston, TX- Third Ward
Sweet Jamaica, Tierney Malone Installation; Tierney Malone-artist; Reggae Hut- Almeda; Houston, TX- Third Ward
Cafe Du Artiste, Mural, Public commission and restoration; Cafe Artiste; Dennis Arsement, owner; Houston, TX
Portrait of Mother; Private collection; Kefflynne Harrington; Houston, TX
Kefflynne’s Angel; Private collection; Kefflynne Harrington; Houston, TX
So Shari; Private Collection; Shari Williams; Houston, TX
The Bunglar CCMV [Ed Muth]; Private Collection; Randy Locke; Houston, TX
Island Nites; Outdoor Concert Benefit 2004, (Stage and DJ Booth Backdrop); Zoe International, S.H.A.P.E. Center & Pan African Entertainment, Miller Outdoor Theater; Houston, TX
Da Narezza Ci’ E Luce; Coming out of the Darkness series; First Presbyterian Church- Main St.; Houston, TX
In Me There Is No one Thirsty; Fighting Depression Series; First Presbyterian Church- Main St.; Houston, TX
Le Eiffel Tower; Private Collection; Joel Abrieu; Paris, FR
Wheat Separates Chaffe; Fighting Depression Series; First Presbyterian Church; Houston, TX
Family Portrait; Private Collection; Elizabeth Perkins: Houston, TX
L.P.D; Logo Design for Peterson Commercial; Houston, TX
Island Nites; Outdoor Concert Benefit 2003, (Stage Backdrop); Zoe International. & Pan African Entertainment, Miller Outdoor Theater-Hermann Park, Houston, TX
Natural Wonder; Private Collection; Lidia Castro; Washington Mutual Bank- Montrose; Houston, TX- Museum District
Eiffel Tower ’67; Private Collection; Rudolph Jasso; Houston, TX
Inquisition Art- Logo; Bill Kendall- Engineer; Dallas, TX
The Eiffel Tower; Private Collection; Rudolpho Jasso; Dolce & Freddo- Memorial; Houston, TX
Isaac Delights Heaven; (acrylic/oil on canvas); Private Collection; Nina Austin; Houston, TX
Untitled Sculpture (metal); Private Collection; Euro-Tan; Houston, TX
Oasis; Drawing (charcoal on paper); Private Collection; Matt Johnson; Houston, TX
Email the Creative Spirit
"Dune shows us the difference between a 'starving' artist and a 'striving' artist."
- Jennifer Van Akin, writer, poet
