Favorite Links Page
Links to cool visual places of comfort
As Artists, collectors, dealers, gallery owners, patrons of the Arts, we should all come together for the common ground, of breaking ground; breaking the barriers of separation to form integration. This is my focus and purpose for this page.
Hopefully, we might persist, to coexist, to instigate the collective spirit...LIKE THIS!©
Creative Spirit© Dune Patten working on new series titled,
PASSAGES THROUGH MEMORY [PLAZA PORTALS]; making debut appearance at MindPuddles Gallery, Houston TX; then travellinf to San Antonio, TX for solo exhibition at BLEND Gallery; 2grand6. Next stop, Minna Gallery in San Francisco, CA
If you would like to be placed on mailing list for future exhibitions, then please send email dune.patten@gmail.com or enter comment on the guestbook page. It would be a pleasure to have you at the next thing.
All Links are to websites I feel very strongly about and continuously in support of

and Galleries