The Guestbook
Please take the time to fill out the guestbook form to let me know what you think of the work; and so that I can respond in correlation to your interest.
DISCLAIMER: There is a continuous barage of unwanted porn entries into my web guestbook. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about the filthy entries submitted to my guestbook. I have contacted the support team and they tell me that the only thing to do is manually delete them. So this is what I am doing. However, you might see them before I have a chance to delete. But be assured that I do not endorse pornographic websites whatsoever!! I will work deligently to delete these unwanted entries as they appear. And I would be honored if this would not deter you in any way from viewing this site and placing comments into the guestbook.
Thank you.
Dune Patten, Creative spirit
I thank you for your entry!
If you would like to be placed on my mailing list for future events, then please specify in your entry or email me directly here:
Thank you so much and look forward to hearing from you